Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Hi All,

Just a little poke to inspire some light reaction and Calvin cycle reviewing ! Please send me questions it they come up.

Also, perhaps you have seen this site, Sparks, follow this link to take some online practice tests for most of your AP courses.

I have not taken the whole AP bio test. My impression so far is that it is perhaps a little easier than the real test. But, it's good, because it reviews the fundamentals. The real AP test will throw in some bogus, nit picky detail, annoying questions. You'll see when we take the practice test on Tuesday!


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Here are two links for you to review. The first is the Light Reaction . The second is the one we viewed in class on Tuesday, the Calvin Cycle .

No homework is assigned over the break. I encourage you to start your reviewing and work on that practice AP test.

The next reading guide is posted to the website but no reading is assigned until Monday. Have a great long weekend. Please let me know if I can help you with anything!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Lab 9 Lab write up

Use form A

Include a data table with raw data

Include a graph of mass loss over time for each variable you tested

Include the two data tables from the handout

There was a lot of confusion about the questions; I thought I put that on the lab handout...I did not.

How about we skip the questions, and if you do the questions, say 3, 4 or 5 I'll add a point or two....

Bonus quiz on light reaction. Non-bonus, grade endangering quiz NEXT Tuesday.

Please let me know if you have other concerns or questions.....

Monday, April 14, 2008

The quiz covers fern and moss classification, alternation of generations in plants, plant characteristics and tissues, transpiration, translocation and angiosperm reproduction and seed development. One of the essays will be on transpiration.

The 1994 practice test is due on April 30.

The animations we viewed in class and others are linked at the website. Here's the link for the double fertilization animation we view today.

Here is the world tallest flower blooming. Why does it need to be this big?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

I have been unsuccessful in linking the power point lab review to my website. If you use this link you will find it listed as labreview2004. It's a zipped file. I have also posted it on the S drive, there's a folder for AP biology.

Reminder the the lab 9 purpose/introduction is due on Friday. Use form A!!

Please consider my suggestion to complete a staff commendation. I'd be happy to collect them from you and pass them on to Mr. Claypool. Thanks

Monday, April 7, 2008

Here are the times and dates for AP registration. You'll need a pencil and your SS#

C101, 7:10 or 3:20
Wed, April 16
Fri, April 18
Mon, April 21
Tues, April 22

Go on Wednesday, it will be less crowded and you'll get in and out faster!!

The AP Biology test will be on Monday, May 12 in C101 from 7:40 until 11:30. You will need a pencil for the MC and a PEN for the written part. You MAY NOT use a calculator on the test.

These two links may be helpful with tonights reading about how water moves in the root and into the stele.

Role of the Casparian Strip

Root detail

Remember water cannot go through the Casparian strip, it must go AROUND it.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Ok, I looked at the calender and Monday, April 14 seems like a good day to have the next practice AP test due.

I graded the previous ones and I will update grades tonight. Please check the portal soon and email me with any errors.

In an older post are two links to an alteration of generation animation.

I looked and looked but could not find any moss with the sporophyte attached. Do you have any moss in your yard? Could you bring in a sample if it has the sporophyte?

Wow, what a great weekend!